Day :
- COVID-19 in Children | Pediatric Allergy and Infections | Congenital Malformations & Birth Complications | Neonatal and Fetal Nutrition
Session Introduction
Lina Eletri
Hospital Center- Le Mans, France
Title: How do the different types of maternal diabetes during pregnancy influence offspring outcomes?

Lina Eletri is a neonatologist at the Le Mans Hospital center in France. She is very involved in clinical research in neonatology, specifically in the fields of metabolomics and fetal programming.
Background/Aim of the study: Exposure to maternal diabetes is considered one of the most common in utero insults that can result in an increased risk of complications later in life with a permanent effect on the offspring health. In this study we aim to assess the level of risk associated with each type of maternal diabetes on cardiovascular diseases, obesity, glucose intolerance and neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring.
Methods: We conducted a systematic review of the literature utilizing PubMed for studies published between January 2007 and March 2022. Our search included human cohorts and case control studies with at least 2 types of maternal diabetes clearly identified. Collected outcomes included prevalence, incidence, odds ratio, hazard ratio and risk ratio.
Results: Among 3579 published studies, 19 cohorts were eligible for inclusion in our review. The risks for overweight, obesity, Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), glucose intolerance, metabolic syndrome and Cardio-Vascular Diseases (CVD) were increased for all types of maternal diabetes. The risk of overweight or obesity in infancy and in young adults was similar between gestational diabetes mellitus and Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). The risk for T2D or abnormal glucose tolerance was double for Offspring from GDM (O-GDM) compared to offspring from T1D (O-T1D). In contrast, the risk for T1D in offspring at any age until young adulthood was increased when mothers had T1D compared to GDM and T2D. The Risk for CVD was similar for all types of maternal diabetes. The risk of ASD and ADHD was increased after in-utero exposure to preexisting T1D, followed by T2D .
Conclusion: Offspring of diabetic mothers are at increased risk for multiple adverse outcomes with the highest risk detected among offspring from T2D mothers. Future work warrants large multiethnic prospective cohort studies to identify the risks associated with each type of maternal diabetes separately.
Sergio Palandri
Mauriziano Umberto Hospital, Italy
Title: Cervical lordosis lost: A report to keep in mind in AIS (and perhaps not only in AIS)

Sergio Palandri is a Radiographer, Department of Radiology, Umberto I Hospital Ordine Mauriziano di Torino, Turin, Italy, Published an article with the title Spinometric Analysis of Patient Affected by Scoliosis, Treated with Acupressure.
Analyzing numerous full spine X-ray examinations, gold standard in the quantitative diagnosis and follow-up of scoliosis, the loss of cervical lordosis is observed in the latero-lateral view. This finding, which recurs with relevance, from the orthopedic point of view it, is not of particular interest since the cervical tract is practically not affected by degenerative phenomena like scoliosis. Quite the opposite from the postural point of view it assumes a considerable importance. Dalmas law links infarcts in a quadratic directly proportional relationship the resistance of the spine and the number of curves of the same: The loss of a curve therefore reduces the resistance by 50%.
The purpose of this work is to describe the finding, but overall to bring attention on it, promoting a multidisciplinary comparison.
Mary Anbarasi Johnson
Christian Medical College, India
Title: Dengue fever in children: Nursing perspective

Mary Anbarasi Johnson working as a professor and Head in pediatric nursing department, CMC Vellore. She worked as Clinical Nurse Specialist in PICU for a year and as Assit Professor in USA for two years. She also worked in administration (Assistant Director of Nursing) in nursing, in Saudi Arabia Defence Sector. She is very much interested in reviewing articles. She have published in 70 national, international journals and presented in around 30 national and international conferences. She have also contributed for 5 book chapters and published a book. She have served in CMC Vellore as addl. Deputy Nursing Superintendent for staff training and quality assurance as well in CMC Institutional research board as a member for a term of 4 years. CMC gave her opportunity to be part of national projects like GFATM, ICMR Infection control project, IMNCI, CSA, OSCE by Dr. MGR Medical University, Diabetic Nurse Specialist programme either as trainer or Master trainer. She is a reviewer or editorial member or advisory member in more than 50 international journals. CMC Vellore also gave her an opportunity to be paper setter or examiner for six universities in India and for CMAI Board, Bangalore as well inspector for B.Sc. N programme under Dr. MGR Medical University. She gives all thanks to Lord Jesus Christ who sustains her every moment. She is indepted to her family, teachers in CON CMC and friends for their encouragement and support. She thank her mother institution CMC Vellore, St. Joseph Regional Medical Center & St. Michaes Hospital, Milwaukee CON, also TPC, RI Hospital Kamismushayt Defense Hospital Saudi for their friendship and guidance who play a special role in mentoring and nurturing me till date
Children with Dengue suffer with blood loss if not intervened at the early stage. Environment accounts for the spread as mosquitoes are very common in tropical countries like India If children are identified in the early stage then they will be saved from the detrimental effects due to Dengue. Prevention is better than cure and therefore efforts are taken by the government as well as by individuals to prevent dengue affecting children Dengue is the most rapidly spreading mosquito-borne viral disease in the world. Increase in incidence by over 30-fold in the last 50 years, Endemic in all continents except Europe. It is transmitted by infected Aedes aegypti female mosquitoes-belong to Stegomiya family, Lives in highly urbanized area, in fresh water, primarily a day time feeder mosquito. Humans are the primary host of the virus. Severity depends upon factors like gender, secondary infection, age and chronic diseases (sickle cell anemia, asthma, DM) Vertical transmission and through infected blood products Virus transmitted to human in mosquito saliva. Virus replicates in target organs. Virus infects white blood cells and lymphatic tissues Virus released and circulates in blood. This presentation will high light on the burden of Dengue in India and discuss about the nursing care of children with Dengue.
Darko Richter
University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia
Title: Immunological and epidemiological insights into COVID-19 vaccination

Darko Richter is a paediatrician, subspecialist in allergy and clinical immunology. He studied and worked in Zagreb, Croatia. He retired from the University Hospital Center Zagreb in 2020. He is active in DermaPlus Polyclinic since D–Medical School Zagreb 1979. The main field of interest: paediatric allergy, immunodeficiency and vaccines. He Authored and co-authored more than 120 articles in medical journals and 26 chapters in 13 medical textbooks in Croatian and English. He was invited lecturer on more than 150 occasions of professional, academic and sponsored lectures. His Scopus H-index is 15. He is a President, Croatian Pediatric Society–Zagreb (2009-2013), Founder and President, Section on Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Croatian Paediatric Society (2010-2020).
Statement of the problem: The initial COVID-19 vaccination campaign did not meet expectations due to errors in the roll-out strategy that did not take into account the incubation, index of reproduction and duration of humoral immunity.
Purpose: To point out the factors that was neglected in creating the COVID-19 vaccination strategy.
Methodology: Critical observation of what has been done in comparison to what should have been taken into consideration from the outset.
Observations: It has been known for at least 50 years that humoral immunity following a 2-dose primary immunization last 4-6 months. Thereafter, short-incubation diseases (<8-9 days) need periodic boosting to maintain a steady protective antibody titer. In long-incubation infections, there is enough time to mount an anamnestic response to avert clinical disease and boosters are not indispensable. Unless the herd immunity of 45% population had been attained during the B1 strain (reproduction index 1.8) predominance in Europe, no interruption of pandemic spread could have been hoped for. Instead, the pandemic spread on, “breakthrough” infections were infections that appeared after the waned specific antibody titers and new variants allowed to boom with immune evasion and increasing reproduction index and transmissibility. Moreover, it was not appreciated that more generous spacing between the doses increased immunogenicity and that a single vaccine dose at the appropriate (3-6 months) post-recovery interval induced powerful hybrid immunity. Indeed, as of mid-2022, mRNA vaccines have been offered as a series of 3 doses at intervals of up to 8 weeks for the primary series and at least 5 and 4 months for doses 3 and 4, respectively .
Conclusion: COVID-19 pandemic could have been controlled in the initial phases of the vaccination campaign if a faster roll-out or a 3-dose schedule had been adopted from the outset.

Shaghayegh Rahmani has received her master in medicine during 2001-2008 and her specialty in Emergency Medicine during 2015-2019 at Mashhad University. Currently, she is working as assistant Professor in Mashhad Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences. She is the Executive Director of the Islamic Azad university journal; she is also the director of research and development center of University. Her research included a wide spectrum from patient safety to clinical and pathological researches.
Traumatic injuries are an important cause of death and disability in childhood. These types of injuries imposing a great deal of stress for children and children and accompanied with financial and emotional cost for society and families. Identifying the most common type of traumatic injuries and their underlying related factors helps to promote preventive strategies based on children age, his structural aspects and developmental status. For design an effective method we should consider on World Health Organization (WHO) model which focuses on prevention of injury, reducing the severity of injury and decreasing long term consequences.
Keywords: Trauma, Children, Emergency medicine.