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Stefan Bittmann

Stefan Bittmann

Pediatrics, Pediatric Physical Therapy.
Head Of Ped Mind Institute, Pediatrics


Bittmann has started research in the area of ??"virtual reality" for the treatment of disabled children with diseases such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and congenital syndromes. Under the name of "Handicap Lab", initial attempts are being made on disabled children to condition and improve the cognitive and motor functions, which are for the most part severely limited in these children, using "virtual reality". The children immerse themselves in a virtual world that encourages them to perform certain tasks and movements. The first attempts by means of VR glasses are to generate motor movements to train the mostly atrophic muscles of these children and to promote cognitive abilities. In Germany, this research is still in its infancy, in the US, some studies are already on this interesting topic (see work by Judith German, University of Washington, Seattle published 2017 in the journal "Pediatric Physical Therapy": "Virtual Reality and Serious Games in Neurorehabilitation of Children and Adults: Prevention, Plasticity, and Participation "). First experiments are carried out on cerebral paretic children. We will report on the first results and experiences on the Ped Mind page.  

Research Interest

Pediatrics, Pediatric Physical Therapy.